The day of 11th May 2011 (110511) indeed leaves a memorable-sweet mark in my heart.. I kept it secret (my birthday) but the technology does it part quietly brilliant (erkk.. HTC? kikikih).. Ehe.. I received lovely gifts and thoughtful wishes this year.. From KSU-a birthday card.. Steph-a bouquet of pink roses (gorgeous!).. Fyqa-a slice of cake (yummmy!!!).. A.Zul-a bar of chocolate (deliciousss!!).. H20-a cute bag (lovely!)... U guys are too dear! TQ soo mucchh.. =)
The day at the office went smoothly.. nothing unusual.. not many knew.. ehe.. well, got the wishes from my BFFs via sms, FB, and here too.. TQVM for the kind thought! In the evening, we left the office at 8.30pm++.. Lotsa tasks to do.. my big boss n her fav sec gonna fly overseas in a few days time.. so, gonna do thing fast and need to update here n there.. Pheww! Ehe.. Afterwards, I asked Echa & Kak Intan out for a dinner... well, just a small-small gathering and to celeb Kak Intan's n mine birthday.. Ehe.. no cakes no flour no eggss! Ahaks.. H20 was joining too.. We had our dinner at Black Canyon Alamanda.. Well, the food doesn't meet our expectation.. but ok lah kan, meeting each other after quite some time.. so, lotsa chit chat la.. hehehe..
Well, while we were talking and chatting, I can't help myself looking to the other side of the restaurant.. I don't know why.. Perhaps the light (karaoke) got my attention.. Until I saw a figure of a man, with his big bouquet, coming up from the stairs.. The way he walks very familiar.. when he approached us.. my heart beating faster.. is it Coach A? But.. He told me that he's at Kuantan-outstation until d next day.. OMG! yes! thats him! Awwhh.. dearie dear.. he never stop surprising me.. he gave me the lovely roses and it was the biggest boquet I ever received! TQVM my dearr.. U complete my day.. Ehe.. He told me that, he'll go back to Kuantan afterwards.. I don't believe him.. But he seems so convincing and I was very touched for his willingness to come over here just to say Happy Birthday to me.. Feel like wanna hug him!! (Ehhh. no lah.. no..) hahaha.. After the meal, we went for karaoke.. Hehehe.. 2 hours flew really fast.. But, we did enjoy our time very much.. Nice day today.. I fell asleep with my lips smiling..... ehe..

Now on the 12th may.. my colleague throw a party for me! Ehe.. They were good! They arrange everything quietly and smoothly.. Kak Shida told me secretly that they will celebrate my birthday in the afternoon (nay nay nay nay.. no surprise laa..).. Hehehe.. so i thought, it will be held moderately-like always.. hehehe.. n i will pretend to be surprised later.. ahaks.. after big boss left for a meeting, Echa came to my room & blindfold me! Aduuhh.. hahahah.. made my heart pumping faster lah die nie.. ahaks.. n when unfolded, everyone was there and it was merrier than I thought.. at the far end of the table.. I saw a beautiful-love-shaped cake... hehehe.. so sweet.. n then, I saw Coach A!!!! Aik..? So we do the norm, sang the birthday song.. blew the candles.. cut the cake.. (to my surprise, it is an ice cream cake! ini mesti Coach A punya kerja ini.. hehehe.. d most delicious cake I ever tasted..).. Another surprise from Coach A.. Sweet baby.. ehe..
Ehehehehe.. thats it.. when I reached home... it’s almost midnight.. I strolled Alamanda with Kak Intan earlier.. heheh.. then, had our dinner at Phawana Precint 16..
I suppose to pack my bag, but I just don't know what to bring along.. Been a while since I travel for a vacation.. eheh.. So, I only packed in the morning.. heheeh.. (yess.. I'm going for a vacation.. hehehe)
So.. next entry would be my vacation to KK! Naaaiiiiissseeeeee (nice)!!!!
Bahh.. boleh saja kalo ko.. *wink*wink*