July has been an emotional month for me.. referring to the posts that I'd made.. =P I admit, its kinda disturbing to read unhappy thing.. Perhaps, that was because the final semester exam dilemma I'd experienced.. (nice cover! lol) Alright there.. I'll try to avoid writing such posts in future (finger cross!)..
Lotsa events happen recently.. Can't recall and can't write it all here.. am just thankful for being given the opportunity to live another day; to learn and to search, and to discover.. My beloved Inek (grandma) pass away on 22nd June.. My big boss invited me to accompany him to Russia for an official visit, but I refused because I had no passport, and my final exam is around the corner (to be exact, I don't like going overseas for work for the first time.. really made me nervous.. especially when you need to attend to VIPs? furthermore, Russia is a cold country.. I hate cold.. ahaha).. my big boss however, said, he may want to consider bringing me along in his next trip (Korea? India? Japan? muehehe).. My final exam ended on 13th July.. Puasa starts on 21st July.. Chombie died due to virus attack.. Payday on 26th July.. Got Duit Raya on 8th August as per announced by PM on 26th July.. on the same day, I discovered I had this 'health situation'-hurmm... Shop online on 27th July (oopss! does that count? ngeee).. Days in between: the same old routine.. (booorrinngg..)
I do notice that, there are no excitements, no sparks in my life.. Yes, I am a dull-play safe person.. This lead me to a monotone, boring, ambiguity (of my future) situation.. Am totally an insecure (scare at all time, to anything, to anyone!) and too-relaxed (what will be, let it be) lady.. Looking back to my pass-hu'uh.. not interesting at all! Ahaks..
-what an introduction-
It is never too early.. never too late.. to realize and to step back into reality.. mine is just yet to come.. looking at peers' life, they are doing pretty well indeed.. as for me, I felt that am still station and not moving at all.. gheez.. need to change that baby.. desperately.. must.. ! Stand on my own and listen to my heart and instinct.. that would be a good start, rite?
So.. so.. so..soooo...
There are lotsa things in my mind that I would like to do.. Lets see what happens next.. =)
Happy Ramadhan to Muslim friends and Happy weekend..
#Life is a rollercoaster#