Finally.. Coach A said something that I long to hear from him.. cwitie pie!
*flower-flower mood.. hahaha..
“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today” (James Dean)
Finally.. Coach A said something that I long to hear from him.. cwitie pie!
*flower-flower mood.. hahaha..
I almost forgot to put this most momentous event in my diary. ehe.. Well, since I can't write/review well, I'll just upload this video ya. ;)
Do you believe in second chance?
Given the opportunity to correct things out?
Do you agreeable with this?
I do...
This morning, Una, mak & I went to P.9 to view the house for rent that has been advertised in last week. The house has been renovated & we do love it..! at block A3 (next to my previous rent house A2), level 6. The air flow freely & most importantly, there's kitchen cabinet and the house is clean. The house belongs to Shermaine's mom. I thought she was a chinese or indian, but she is a malay. she came with her sister. They were quite surprised when we agreed immediately to rent the house. *You don't know the 'hardship' to find a house to rent here.. hehehe..
To our surprise, she works in London meanwhile her mom and sister staying in Croatia. They were on their annual leave. Well, honestly, I wanted to know more bout them but felt that it would be a 'kepoh' act. If she wanted to tell more, I'll be more than glad to listen.. ehe.. So right now, we are excited to move in. Will meet them again for the tenancy agreement. Hope that the walls fixed by that time & we would like to request for ceiling fans for each rooms. Ehe..
*Will take Nadi Putra to work in future. Jimat cermat lah katakan.. ehe..
We will sit for 1 quiz n 2 tests tomorrow.. 3 in a row! So, today is the day of struggle.. To read and to revise.. Hoping that I can insert as much input as possible.. Well.. the struggle just started early in the morning, with a few hours gap in the afternoon.. now after dinner, the eyelids seem not giving much cooperation.. not much to expect tomorrow but 'walking like a blind mice'.. ehe.. I do regret for not prepare myself earlier.. I don't know why my interest to study decreasing now.. this semester especially.. I didn't 'attend' i-classes.. I didn't response or participate..
I'm almost coming to the end of the semester in fact.. As such, I can't go back, stop or postpone.. I have to finish this. By hook or crook.. Aihh.. *im sad seeing myself* .. whatever it is, I mustn't stop here and let situation take over control. Eventhough I can't catch up & I did miss some assignments + escape classes (definitely effecting the carry marks); I should put a good end this semester. Well, of course, pass all the subjects.. (Amin!)
Somehow rather, I can't get it.. cobaan & dugaan, comes in, one by one.. It really effects me indirectly.. I cried and looking for a shoulder to cry on, but.. it must has been too frequent I experienced this 'break down', so the shoulder step away & ask me to stand on my own.. heh.. true fact, i am unstable.. so.. am desperately in need a special stabilizer to get me up on my feet again! hahahaha..
10th November 2011 (Thursday) was Chicha's birthday. Earlier in the morning, her BF sent her a bouquet of flower.. soo romantic & touching..ehe.. So, later in the afternoon, we invited her to celebrate her birthday @ TGI Friday Alamanda. Just a plan dinner; to get together on her special day. But Fyqa planned something and Siti & myself tagged along. ehe..
Fyqa bought a slice of cake & handed it over to the waiter. We waited for Chicha while browsing through the menu. (malas tul nak tulis panjang2.. satgi la sambung... hahaha)
First.. this song is nothing to do with my personal life.. =)
I'm just in awe listening to her voice.. Adele is indeed a talented person..
*need to dig more on her.. hehehe..
Taat Setia.. Pantang Menyerah Sebelum Ajal...
Coach A memang suke bercerita.. semua ceritanya betul.. bukan fiksyen atau dongeng.. tetapi kadang2 die suke buat2 cerita (melawak..) hehehe.. salah satu citer yg saye suke dengar cite pasal askar kite menyelamatkan askar US @ Somalia.. penah dengar citer Black Hawk Down kan? Haaaa.. (aku x penah tengok citer tu.. tapi pas ni, memang nak cari DVD tu lah!) hehehe.. Seorang askar kite gugur dalam misi itu.. We salute and silekan layan vid yg dipetik dari youtube ini ye.. :)
Saya nekad.. setiap perkara harus ada awal dan akhirnya.. mudah-mudahan, segalanya berjalan dengan lancar dan baik...
Untuk itu, saya perlu bertekad.. pantang menyerah sebelum ajal.. wah.. seperti mau berperang lagaknya.. yang pasti, apa yang aku putuskan hari ini, aku akan tanggung akibatnya kelak.. baik mahupun buruk, itu adalah hasil dari apa yang aku telah fikirkan semasak-masaknya hari ini.
Doakan yang baik-baik dan mudah-mudahan jadi seperti yang direncanakan..
Sesal dahulu pendapatan, sesal kemudian tiada gunanya..
Bila sudah sesal di kemudian hari, meraung pun tiada gunanya.. air mata yang membanjiri bantal pun tidak bisa memulihkan segalanya.. ibarat sekujur diri tenggelam di dalam pasir jerlus..
Sudah terhantuk, baru tergadah...
Tatkala sedar telah diuji berkali-kali; barulah mata terbuka, hati melihat, telinga mendengar.. terpampang segala cacat cela dan kekurangan diri.. kerdilnya diri.. terasa lopak dan lubang melata di dada.. kering dan tandus jiwa ini..
Singkat sungguh hidup ini.. bila-bila masa sahaja ia akan dicabut.. baru kini aku sedar.. walaupun seringkali didedah di media massa mahupun laman sesawasang, blog, laman sosial, juga sebaran mulut..
Ambil yang jernih, buang yang keruh..
Sesali dan hayati.. pelajari dan ambil iktibar.. perbaiki dan lipatgandakan usaha.. agar pisang tidak berbuah dua kali..