The seminars (classes) were all done.. The common test.. The quizzes.. Also done.. Awaiting for the carry marks for each subjects now.. Dup Dap Dup Dap.. I'm not sure whether I'd done well for the semester.. I attended all seminars.. Did all the quizzes and tests... But participation in i-class; not that active.. Uhuk.. Now, the final exam is around the corner.. Next week in fact.. Fuhhh!! I'm nervous.. I didn't do revision to be honest.. I only depend on the quizzes and tests and of course pass year questions.. the slide prepared by the lecturer.. Uuuh.. I don't know why is my sleeping-early-at-night habit cannot be changed! Everytime I tried to read and revise, I'll surely tumble down on my bed 10 min later! Talking about study group, well, I do love the idea of getting together. But, I'm afraid that I can't participate well as I'm not sure whether I can contribute to the group. I prefer to read on my own and should I need clarification, I'll just type and send! Ehe... ~Sorry Coach A~
Now, forget about the exam (for a moment.. heh).. Sssshh..
Well, my 1st log in to i-class really surprised me (during the course registration in fact). There were lotsa names that I didn't recognize. The class was divided into 2 (only 1 class when we were in sem. 3); Class A and Class B. When we attended the 1st seminar, we met new faces and only then knew that they were ex UiTM Dip students who pursue their degree. I can't recall the names but I made acquaintance with this lady-Musalmah a.k.a Sal. She works at PSMB as a Secretary to the Chief Exec. Married. Well, she always thought that I'm younger than her as she always addressed herself as "Akak".. Ehe.. when I told her that we are at the same age, she was caught by surprised. Ehe..
to be cont...
maybe awk kene tidor awl kot..pastu bagun sebelum subuh! tu masa yang paling sesuai awk nk study..kan, kan? :)
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