Sunday, February 13, 2011

...Time to move on..

I am 28 this year.. Felt that I'm still in my early 20s.. Almost all of my friends are married and having kids.. Some were like myself, wondering when is our turn.. At this age, I am tied up with my comitment towards my study. I can't see myself having my own family in this kind of situation for the time being.. Altough I want it badly; getting married, have a wonderful hubby, cute-chubby kids.. But who wants to commit with a lady like me? Debt here and there, a so-n-so career, family matters. Not to mention my attitude and the way I think. Seriously I'm in doubt and in dilema of where should I head now.. without hurting my family, my love, and most importantly myself.. 

I bet I didn't pray hard enough.. I didn't ask the right thing.. I didn't act accordingly..

I just want to have a normal, happy life.. I don't mind with the money, the hieararchy, the differences in a comunity.. Damn with all those human-made-thingy! I want to feel how is it like to live happy and no worries even when I don't have money in my pocket.. I want to feel the pure feeling of being given the opportunity to live in this world; experience all sorts of events in life.. I want to feel and smile with all my heart altough I'm in the middle of rough sea..

This is the perfect time to move on..


the best it to follow the heart and instinct.. Others don't decide how we live our life, but ourselves..

I surrender my life in the hands of God..


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